Sunday, December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas from the Gang in Room 403!

My class and I had a very exciting week!  We finished up another 9 weeks of second grade and celebrated Christmas together.
The kids learned how to write letters this week. 
They couldn't wait to write
letters to Santa!

One of my sweet students made this Christmas diorama!  How CUTE is that!
Here is our classroom Christmas tree. 
During the Christmas party, the children decorated cookies!
Our class parties are always fun!  A big THANK YOU to
the parents that organized the party and to those who sent in items.
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  I hope my students enjoy their break, and I will see them on Tuesday, January 7th!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

We Remember...

Our hearts still break for these precious little ones, the teachers, the families, and the community...


Thursday, December 5, 2013

All Around the World and Back!

Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break!  It was back to work for the kids in room 403 bright and early Monday morning!  I want to take a look back to the week before Thanksgiving.  My second graders completed a research project on our 7 continents, and I cannot wait to share it with everyone! 
The children were placed in groups and given certain jobs, such as project manager, computer typist, and writer.  The children worked together to decide who would work each job.
Next, we were off to the computer lab.  The children were given three questions that they were to research about their continent.  They absolutely loved researching at the computer lab.  I was so proud of them when I saw how eager they were to learn about their continents.

After the research was complete, it was time to work on the design of their projects.  We viewed some really neat design examples from the internet.
The children had a variety of supplies to use for the design of their projects.
The children got to work designing their projects! 
When their projects were completed, the children presented their hard work to the class!  They even got to use a microphone...they thought that was so cool!


My precious student, Lily, brought in these Russian Nesting Dolls for the children to see.  Aren't they beautiful!
One of our special guests for the presentations was Mrs. Emily Gregory, the gifted teacher at our school.   She gave the children some wonderful tips on speaking in front of an audience.  She is awesome!  Here she is with her sweet daughter, Lily.
The children really had a great time creating their projects.  Learning while having fun...what more could a teacher ask for!



Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Where in the World is Miss Nelson?

The children in Room 403 are on the hunt for Miss Nelson!  In Social Studies, our second graders have been learning about maps and directions.  After reading the story, Miss Nelson is Missing, my students created a map of Miss Nelson's town with directions for finding her!

 First, the children were placed into groups and began planning
                                  their maps. 

Then, they were ready to start drawing their town maps!  They couldn't forget to include the compass rose!
Now, the finishing stages!
Here are the finished products! 
Group 1...
Group 2...
Group 3...
Group 4...
Each group had to write directions to find Miss Nelson.  Here is an example...
My children are absolutely amazing!  I love seeing their creativity and their ideas unfold with each project! 
I hope everyone has a wonderful break.  My children definitely deserve some time off with their families!  
Happy Thanksgiving!