Thursday, October 31, 2013

WhAt a BoO-ti-FuL wEEK!

My children and I had such an exciting week!  It was full of exciting learning activities and the BEST Halloween party I have ever experienced!  I have such a wonderful group of second graders, and I hope they enjoyed it as much as I did!
We learned about homophones this week, and we worked on many activities.  I loved how my second graders thought that homophones were so neat!  Words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings...pretty cool! 

We completed sentences by choosing the correct homophone, and we worked on a classroom homophone book.

Our comprehension skill this week was cause and effect.  In my last blog update I mentioned that we would be using the children's book, If You Give a Cat a Cupcake, as a resource in learning cause and effect.  This is the activity the children completed...

We also worked on addition with regrouping. 
The students completed a sorting activity for their math journals.  They had 2 pockets for their addition for regrouping and one for no regrouping.

Our class enjoyed a wonderful Halloween party today!  We had fantastic food, games, and many laughs!  A special THANK YOU to the mom that hosted our wonderful party and to the mom that made precious treat bags with the children's handprints.   Because of you both our children had such a wonderful time!  I also want to thank all of the other parents for coming and helping out with the party and all of the parents who sent items.  I appreciate the support and help!
Frankie had a great time too!
Thanks for reading my blog!   I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

What Lies Ahead...

A huge week is what lies ahead for my class!  We have so many skills to cover this week.  We also have a very exciting and fun Halloween party planned for Thursday!  Let's take a look at what lies ahead...
We will be covering plurals with -s, -es, and -ies in phonics.  I have many sorting activities planned for whole group as well as small group.  This seems to be an effective strategy for my children.  The comprehension skill this week is cause and effect.  Here is an anchor chart to illustrate cause and effect for my children...
We will also be using the children's book, "If You Give a Cat a Cupcake," when learning this skill.
I will have pics of that activity soon!
Buckle up for regrouping!  We will begin addition with regrouping this week.  We will start by using base ten blocks and ones cubes to learn the concept.  Then we will apply the understanding to written problems. 
We are wrapping up our Landforms Unit in Science and Social Studies.   Here is a project my second graders completed illustrating some of the landforms we learned about.  It was placed in their Social Studies journal...

We will start learning about maps, globes, continents, and oceans this week.  I have many fun activities planned for this unit.
WOW!  What a week it's going to be!  I'm going to go now and get some rest!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

A New World...Blogging!

After a very long time of reading and viewing many blog spots, I decided to create my own.  It has taken me all day long to set the layout, the background, the font style, and images, but I am finally finished and very excited about this new experience!  I hope this will be an enjoyable site where you can see what is going on in your second grader's world every day.  Please be patient with me and give me time to grow and learn!