Sunday, October 19, 2014

Personal Narratives, Mondrian Art, and a Bad Case of Stripes!!!

Our second graders have been working so hard these past few weeks.  The children inspire me, and it amazes me how much they want to learn about it!  They are really putting me to work, and I LOVE every minute of it!

A few weeks ago I read the book, A Bad Case of Stripes. 


This poor little girl should've just eaten those lima beans!  This is a great book to teach the comprehension skill, cause and effect.  Here is the activity that my children and I completed...

We are continuing our personal narrative writing.  Last week, the children worked on a personal narrative piece, My Trip to the Pumpkin Patch. 
These children can write!  I have a room full of authors!
We are studying rocks and the Earth's layers in science and social studies.  This unit will last a few weeks.  The children have brought in the most unique rocks.  We have learned about the properties of rocks...their size, shape, color, and texture.  We took a closer look at our rocks through magnifying glasses.  We have so many more experiments and activities to do with our rocks.
Last week, we learned about an artist named Piet Mondrian.  He was a Dutch artist who liked working with lines.  We completed a Mondrian art lesson full of mathematical concepts and vocabulary.  We learned square, rectangle, horizontal, vertical, parallel, perpendicular, diagonal, converge, and diverge.
Here are their works of Mondrian art...

I'm really looking forward to another week of learning with your child!  So much to little time!




Sunday, October 5, 2014

Everyday is a Story!

I hope everyone had a restful weekend!  Last week, we completed our Unit 1 Reading Test.  This week, we are diving into Unit 2!  We will be learning so much this week! 

Reading:  Tara and Tiree:  Fearless Friends
                 cause and effect
Phonics:  r-controlled ar, or, ore, oar
Grammar:  nouns (common)
Vocabulary Strategy:  context clues (unfamiliar words)
Math:  Topic 4  Repeated Addition
Social Studies:  Earth's resources

We are going to have a busy week! 

I wanted to share with you something AMAZING!  I wanted you to see what our second graders created this week!  They are starting on the path to become wonderful writers...just take a look!

We started our personal narrative lesson by reading some mentoring texts that will model this type of writing.  Here are some of these mentoring texts...





The children loved these books!  We then documented on a large piece of chart paper some of the writing styles we noticed.  Here are some of the children's answers...

      *  a memory
      *  descriptive words
      *  details
      *  short story
      *  characters speak

It was time to create our own personal narratives.  I gave the children 2 topics to choose from...
a trip to the zoo or a trip to the farm.
I gave the children books about each of these topics to help with background knowledge.
After the children chose their topics we completed these writing graphic organizers.  These graphic organizers help the children organize their thoughts and ideas.

Once the children completed their graphic organizers, I met each student for a writer's conference so we could edit his/her writing.
Here are some of the published pieces!
I am so proud of their work! 
During the writing conferences, I noticed that most of the children's writing errors was spelling.  We will be writing a lot this school year, and the children need an excellent resource to help them with spelling. I do have a word wall, but sometimes the children have difficulties reading some of the words from where they sit.   I am asking that the parents purchase a wonderful resource from the Turtle Shell in downtown Prattville...
This is a Desktop Dictionary which is a wonderful resource for children when they are writing.  It is only $3. 95.   They can use this when writing open-ended answers to tests, when writing at the writing station, and in main writing lessons. 
Thank you for all you do in the success in your child's learning!