Sunday, September 28, 2014

Apple Fun Day and Lots MOre!

The kids in room 403 have been very busy these last two weeks!  I can't believe how fast this year is going!  October is just a few days away!  WOW! 
We have been working on subtraction stories in our math journals.  Look at how hard our children were working on these...


We will be finishing up Topic 1 this week.  We will be having a daily grade on lessons 1-4 Tuesday and our Topic 1 test Friday!
We will be completing our Solar System Unit this week also.  The children have been engaged in some really great space activities these last two weeks.  Check out this activity on the phases of the involved Oreo cookies!!  YUMMY!!
We also learned about the great American hero, Neil Armstrong!

On Friday, we enjoyed Apple Fun Day at PLES!  THANK YOU so much to Mrs. Barnett for the delicious apple treats!  The children absolutely LOVED them!


I also would like to send a belated "THANK YOU" on this blog to Mrs. Wimberly for the treats she sent the children on the YMCA Water Safety Field Trip.  It was such a nice treat after swimming the entire afternoon!
This week we will be completing our Unit 1 test.  We will start taking the test on Monday, and we will finish the test on Wednesday.  Please review the Unit 1 review sheet with your child on these nights.  We will not have a story of the week, grammar test, or spelling test this week.
We will continue working on Topic 1 in math this week. 
We will begin working on Natural and Man-Made Resources this week in social studies.
Please remember if you need to contact me, please email me at or please call the office and leave me a phone message to contact you.  I will contact you as soon as possible.
I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Our Reading Camp Out!

Our Reading Camp Out was GREAT!  The children ate s'mores and partner read using flashlights!

It was such an exciting time for our students!  The best part was that we were having fun while reading!

We also had a great time with predicates last week.  One activity that the children really enjoyed was silly sentences.  The children had to pick one subject from a list of choices from the board.  Then they had to choose two different predicates to write with their subject.  This made the children see how the predicate can change the meaning of a sentence.  Check out some of our silly sentences...

I just love these!  The children really worked hard on making these very creative!

We are also working on the solar system in science.  Last week, we learned about our sun.  We learned that the sun gives our Earth heat and light.  We learned that the sun is a big ball of hot gases. We also learned that the sun is a star.  Here is our journal entry in our science journal...

I just love, love, love these!  Aren't they awesome?

This week, we are very busy once again!  Here is a look at what the kids in room 403 will be learning...

Reading:  main idea and details
                inflected endings
Grammar:  statements and questions
Writing:  personal narratives
Math:  subtraction strategies
      Topic 3 test at the end of the week!
Science:  solar system

Please remember that homework is not to be done all in one night!  Please just do a little each night.  Please encourage your child to read to you each night!  They now have library books, and I'm encouraging the children to take AR tests every day.

I hope everyone has a fantastic week!

*Many of these activities were researched and found on the internet, including many teacher blogs and teacher pay teachers.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Blending Up a Great Week!

I hope everyone has had a restful weekend!  We had a very tiring but fabulous week last week with the YMCA Water Safety field trip.  The children had a great time, and the instructors were extremely pleased with the way our second grade classes behaved and participated!  I was very proud of our children! 
This week we are going to be extremely busy!  Let's take a look ahead...

Reading:  Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night  
Phonics:  initial and final consonant blends
Grammar:  predicates
Vocabulary:  synonyms
Math:  We will be finishing Topic 2 and beginning Topic 3 -         Subtraction Strategies
Science:  Solar System

Please remember to check binders every night, especially on Tuesdays.  Graded papers go home every Tuesday.  If you have any concerns about your child's academic progress, please contact me at or send a note to me.  I will gladly make a conference date and time for you. 

Please check back soon!  I will be uploading pictures of some really great things we are doing in class this week!

Monday, September 1, 2014

A Great STart!!

We have had an amazing start to the new school year!  The kids in room 403 have been really hard at work!  Let's take a peek at just a few things we worked on last week!

We began learning about ABC order.  The kids worked in partner groups to complete ABC order activities such as this one...

We also worked on sentences last week.  We learned that a sentence must be a complete thought and that it must begin with a capital letter and must end in an ending mark such as a period.

We also learned about character traits and setting last week! 

I couldn't wait to introduce the kids to one of my favorite characters...Molly Lou Melon!  She's absolutely awesome!  And just like I thought, the kids found her GREAT just like I do!  I read two books about Molly Lou Melon...


We then completed a character trait graphic organizer where the students had to think about words that describe Molly Lou Melon and then provide evidence from the text.  Then we made Molly Lou bags full of these character traits inside!

Look at these Molly Lou Melon characters that our children drew!  I have some AMAZING artists in my room!
In math, we learned about doubles and adding in any order.  These activities were placed in the students' math journals...

Here is a Doubles Dude that we made last week.  We wrote our doubles facts on our dudes!

In Social Studies, we are learning about urban and rural communities.  We completed these graphic organizers and activities for our Social Studies journals.

*These activities were found on teacher blogs on the internet and the teachers pay teachers website.
Let's look ahead to this week...
      Reading/Language Arts - long vowel CVCe patterns, subjects
      in sentences, main idea and details
      Math - topic 2 addition strategies
      Our math topic 2 assessment is scheduled for Thursday!
     Social Studies - urban and rural communities
     We will finish this unit at the end of the week.
Remember:  Homework is NOT to be returned to me.  The packet of information I am sending home this week is a study guide to what we are learning this week.  Please only work a little each night with your child.  This is NOT to be completed in one night.  In order for your child to be successful in second grade, it is important that your child work on their homework every night.   I am asking that you allow your child to read to you each night, especially if your child brings home a bag of books from my room. 
Please don't forget about the YMCA Water Safety field trip this Tuesday and Wednesday.  Parents are welcome to come!  We will be at the McQueen Smith YMCA at 11:30 these two days. 
Girls:  You may wear your swimsuit underneath your clothes. This will help with time before going to the YMCA. 
Boys:  You may wear your swim shorts to school.  Please remember to pack dry pants to wear back to school.
Please remember to pack dry under garments, a towel, and a plastic bag (Wal-Mart or grocery bag) for your child on these two days.  Goggles and swim caps may be brought also.
If want your child to attend this field trip and you haven't sent in the money and permission slips, you may do so on Tuesday morning.  You must have all three of the permission slips filled out and signed in order for your child to attend this trip.  If you do not have the permission slips that were sent home, please email me at,  and I will meet you in the front office with new ones Tuesday morning.  If I do not have all three permission slips, your child will not be able to go.
I hope everyone has a wonderful week!  I am so excited to see your sweet children Tuesday morning!