Greetings from room 403! I hope everyone is staying warm these days! BBBRRRRR!!! Things are busy as ever for our second graders. This week we are working on syllables consonant + le. The children are really catching on to this! We worked on a story named Trifle and then the children worked together to find all of the words containing the syllable consonant + le. They did very well on this activity!
We are learning how to draw conclusions and make inferences in reading comprehension this week.
We are learning how to draw conclusions and make inferences in reading comprehension this week.
We listened to a read aloud today titled, Tuesday, by David Wiesner.
It is such an awesome book! There are no words in this book just pictures. The children had the best time making predictions and drawing conclusions!
Another book we will be reading this week is What Would You Do with a Tail Like This?, by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page.
The children are going to love this book! I cannot wait for them to draw conclusions throughout this book. I love listening to their ideas. Many times they have ideas that are wonderful and I have not even thought of! They are so smart!
We are continuing to work with place value to 1,000 in math. We will be assessing this topic Thursday and Friday this week. Here is an anchor chart that the children can refer to during this topic.
We also added several entries to our journals this week.
We will be finishing up our inventors unit in social studies. We learned about Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and the Wright Brothers. We learned how their inventions and hard work affected us! The children are now bringing in AR books all about inventors. It is GREAT!
We started learning about a timeline about great inventions in history. This was a great way to connect math to social studies.
We learned many interesting facts from a power point and several American Hero videos from the Discovery Education website.
The children wrote the facts they learned in their social studies journals.
Our second graders are really working hard, and the hard work is really paying off. I am so proud of my students!
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