Wednesday, February 5, 2014

WheRe WiLL yoUr ImagInAtioN taKe YoU?

I hope everyone had a nice little break last week!  BBBBRRRR!  Talk about some cold weather, right?  It was great getting back to school to see my sweet kids! 
Last week we finished up our inventors unit.  The children thought about a toy they would like to invent.  They completed a toy invention application form. Then they designed an ad for their toy.   I was blown away by their awesome ideas!  Here are just a few of their toy prepared to be absolutely amazed!

We have been learning about adjectives in grammar.  We learned how adjectives describe nouns.  We worked with adjectives that use our senses.  Adjectives that describe how a noun sounds, smells, tastes, looks, and feels.  We also worked with adjectives that tell about number, size, and shape. 
Each table worked together to complete these really fun sheets I found on the Teachers Pay Teachers website!  The children had to name adjectives that described the feet or shoes on their sheet.  They then had to write a story about their feet or shoes using their adjectives.  Some of the students got to read their stories to the class.  Here are some of the students' work...
We have also been working on comparative and superlative adjectives.  When we compare 2 nouns we add -er to our adjective (comparative).  When we compare more than 2 nouns we add -est (superlative).  Here is an activity where the children chose an adjective, wrote the comparative and superlative forms, wrote a sentence using each form, and drew pictures illustrating each sentence.  WOW!!!  That's a lot of great skills compiled into one activity.  That's a piece of cake for the children in room 403!!
Our comprehension skill this week has been fact and opinion.  I read the story, Stellaluna by Janell Cannon.  We then read statements about the story and sorted them by fact and opinion.  The children worked very hard on this activity.  Fact and opinion isn't an easy skill, but my children seem to be understanding it!

I have much, much more to share with you!  I will be back hopefully tomorrow to share even more activities from our classroom! 
Some important notes I want to share with you before I sign off...
 * My second graders will be taking the performance series test this Friday (Feb. 7th) beginning at 8:15.  Please make sure your child is present and on time.  If your child cannot be present on this day, I will make arrangements for her/him to take the test before the testing window closes.
 *  I will be absent from school on Monday, February 10 and Thursday, February 13 for training.  The trainings I will be attending will be wonderful opportunities for me to learn new teaching strategies that I can utilize in my classroom to help benefit student learning. 
Our Valentine's party will be on Wednesday, February 12 at 12:30.  If you can send in an item for this party please send in the red sheet signed with your child's name on it as soon as possible.  I will be sending item requests home by Friday (Feb. 7th).  Thank you all for helping with our parties this year!
Please check our classroom blog again very soon to see other activities we are working on in our room!


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