Sunday, February 23, 2014

Read Across America Week

Read Across America Week
at PLES!  Hooray!!

This week we will be celebrating Read Across America Week at PLES.  We will have dress up days all week. 

Monday:  Celebrate the Freedom to Read Across America!
                Wear red and blue or Thing 1 and Thing 2.
Tuesday:  Fox in Socks
                Wear crazy socks or mismatched socks.
Wednesday:  Today is the Day for My Many Colored Days!
        Wear as many colors as you can for Wacky Wednesday.
Thursday:  Oh the Places You'll Go
               Wear something that shows a place you have been.
               (You can wear a PLES t-shirt!)
Friday:  Grab Your Hat and Read with The Cat in the Hat!
              Dress as your favorite Dr. Seuss character OR wear
              black and white clothes and your "Cat
              in the Hat" hat.

"Cat in the Hat" hats will be on sale every morning next week before school for $5, until we run out of hats.  We can take cash or checks made out to Pine Level Elementary School (PLES).  Students will be able to wear these hats Friday, February 28.
We will be reviewing skills from unit 4 in reading.  We will start our unit testing on Tuesday.  Please review the homework sheet with your child.  Please make sure your second grader is present for this test.  We have no story this week, and we will have NO spelling test this week.

In math, we will continue counting coins.  We will have our Topic 13 test Thursday or Friday.
We are continuing our animal characteristics unit in science.  We will be researching animals in the computer lab at the end of the week.  We will be working on animal projects when our research is done.  I cannot wait to see how these turn out!  I will be sharing them on the blog when we are finished!
I am looking forward to another week of learning your child!

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