Monday, August 25, 2014

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope everyone had a great day!  We have a very busy week planned!  This week we are learning...

*  comprehension skill:  character and setting
*  vocabulary skill:  alphabetical order
*  phonics skill:  short vowel
*  grammar:  sentences
*  math:  addition strategies (doubles, near doubles,
    adding in any order, adding 3 addends)
*  social studies:  rural and urban areas

We will have our Reading/Language Arts assessments on Thursday.  Our math test will be next week.  I will inform you of this test date.

Please forgive me!  I made 2 mistakes on our homework sheet!  I am SO sorry!  I have to be honest...I do this often.  I PROMISE I will do better with proofreading my homework from now on!  Please look at number 5 in the Phonics section.  It should say...Which word has the same sound as the o in job?
Ok, now look at the math portion of the homework.  5+2=7 should be on the next line.  Once again, I apologize for this! 

I have a HUGE request!  I am asking that each child in my class have his/her own pair of ear buds. 

We will use ear buds at our listening station.  I am also asking that you send a small container for your child to keep his/her ear buds.  If you are unable to send in a small container, I can place your child's ear buds in a sandwich bag.  These ear buds will not be shared.

I want to tell you how much I am enjoying teaching your children.  They work hard, and they are very well behaved!  I enjoy seeing their precious faces every morning.  I am looking forward to a great week!  Please continue to check the blog for activities we are completing in class!

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