Sunday, August 17, 2014

Welcome Back for the 2014 - 2015 School Year!

I am so excited for the 2014 - 2015 school year with your children! I have a feeling we are going to have a wonderful and busy school year! 
I wanted to take this time to thank each of you for the supplies you sent for our second graders.  I greatly appreciate it!
This week your children will bring their binders home.  There is a sheet in the front of your child's binder that explains the parts of the binder, but I wanted to post it on my blog also.

This is your child's money pouch.  Please send any money for snack, lunch, field trips, etc. in an envelope with your child's name and purpose of the money written on it. 
This is the communication log where you can send notes to me.  I will have your child check this log every morning before putting his/her binder away.  It is your child's responsibility to bring me the communication log if you have written a note for me. 

The next item in your binder is the reading skill sheet.  (I had a pic but it didn't turn out!)  On this sheet you will find the story of the week, along with the spelling words and skills we will be working on for each unit.  All weekly tests will be given on Thursday each week.
Here is the Homework pocket in the binder.  Homework will be given on Monday, and I do not ask you to turn it back in to me.  I do strongly suggest you work on this sheet with your child throughout the week. 
Graded papers will be sent home each Tuesday.  School information will also be sent home each Tuesday and can be found in this pocket of the binder.
Here is the behavior calendar your child will bring home each night.  I am sending home a sheet explaining my classroom management system. Please review this calendar each night and initial on the appropriate date.  Please encourage your child to be on his/her best behavior each day.  We have a lot of things to learn this year, and I cannot have disruptive behavior in my classroom.
If you have any questions or concerns this year, please feel free to email me at or send a note to school with your child.  I am always willing to work with you for the benefit of your child!
Please continue to check this blog for information and activities that we are completing in our classroom!

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